Monday, March 16, 2009

Last week Wes had the Flu and was out of commission for a few days. During those days I slept in the girls room so he could have the bed to himself. Alyssa Kate sleeps like a wild bear so we could not share her twin size bed. She slept in her sleeping bag in the floor and thought it was really cool. Well now that Wes is better I have relocated back to my bed but she is still sleeping in her sleeping bag. I took a picture of her on the floor the other night and with her perfectly good bed in the background. Last week also in the midst of big Jake being born Caroline finally got her first tooth, well actually she got both of her two front teeth on the same day. She is very cute and keeps licking them, trying to figure them out. They are still so little I haven't been able to get a good picture but will post one when you can actually see it :) Today Wes came home early and played with the girls outside. I looked out the window and this is what I saw.They both loved it and as long as Alyssa Kate drove Caroline would sit and laugh. Wes stayed close at hand to make sure she did not bail ;) It is so much fun now that they are getting older and can play together. Sharing is a battle but one that I can see a little progress in. I always wanted a sister and hope that they can find a friendship that lasts a lifetime.


Jennifer Jackson said...

Very Cute! I can't wait to see how Hannah will "play" around Trey. I hope they will be friends just like your girls. They are getting so big!

The Cornelisons said...

Greyson went through that phase where he slept on a pallet in the floor for MONTHS. As long as she's sleeping who cares where it's at?! And they are adorable. Where's the safety gear now mom?
