Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some random fun

We have had some fun this past week so I thought I would include a little collage of the week!
Monday was Memorial day and we didn't do a whole lot but eat dinner at mom and dad's. Alyssa Kate wanted her corn like the rest of us so she had her first corn on the cob instead of having cut off the cob.

Tuesday was Greyson birthday and he got to hang out with us most of the day. That night we celebrated at his house and Alyssa Kate wanted to dress up in his batman costume. She wore most of the costume and he wore the cape. They were quite a pair. Wednesday morning we went to out second play date of the week at Alyssa Kate's buddy Noah's house, long story slightly embarrassing! Then that night she got sick and ended up going to the doctor Friday. Just a virus but she looked so pitiful that I took a picture of her sad face.Alyssa Kate got a computer game in a meal from Chick-Fil-A a few months ago and really enjoys playing it. Caroline was fascinated Friday night when she did.

Today is Saturday and I went to work but our census dropped very low and it was my turn to be overstaffed so I left at 3pm. Alyssa Kate was supposed to go to Greyson's pool party today but she was still running a small fever and spent one hour during nap coughing so we thought that she shouldn't infect all the little children. She has not realized that she missed it and we will have a mock party when Greyson returns in a few weeks from his Grammy's house. When she woke up from nap though she was feeling much better and so she got dressed up and went with her Mawmaw and Aunt Kathryn to a ballet recital. Alyssa Kate was apparently enchanted and Mawmaw has decided to pay for her to have ballet lessons in the Fall which Alyssa Kate is excited is her mommy :) While they were gone Wes and Caroline and I ran some errands. It was nice to spend time with just the big C. After Alyssa Kate got home she and her daddy planted seeds for a wildflower garden. Pawpaw also had a surprise....a nest with four little birds in it in his workshop. We were all excited and got some good pictures.

Caroline was too fun tonight and at dinner she was loving drinking water from a straw but wanted to do it continuously. When we would take it away she would just shake and screw up her face. In the pictures it looks like she is crying or making noise but surprising there is almost no noise coming from her mouth. It was hilarious!

Wes built the beds for the wild flowers then Alyssa Kate sprinkled the seeds and helped daddy cover them up with soil.Alyssa Kate thought the baby birds were very cool!I do need a little advice: Alyssa Kate has a great gag reflex so when she gets a bad cough she will throw up...we just cleaned up the latest a few minutes ago. We have tried Delsym-does no good for her and the doctor suggested honey but it didn't seem to work....any ideas???

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