Thursday, April 23, 2009

April Fun

I thought I would post a few new pictures from the past month. The girls are growing up so fast and learning so many new things these days! I hope you all enjoy these!

Caroline talking to Scooter through the door

Caroline's first time riding in the Barbie Jeep

Riding around the garden

Alyssa Kate swinging on MawMaw and PawPaw's wooden swing

Caroling clapping for Alyssa Kate while she was swinging

Alyssa Kate put together a puzzle we got from the Georgia Aquarium, it was quite difficult but she had a blast!

Caroline and Alyssa Kate watching a bird show at the Zoo today.

My girls watching the Elephants

Caroline watching the fun bear

As you can tell Caroline was DONE by the time we got the Grizzly bears who are no longer hibernating (the bear is the brown blob in the middle of the picture on the left)


Melissa said...

I love the picture of them looking at the elephants! I still can't believe how big Caroline is getting. I'm glad the grizzlies came out they are my favorite part of the zoo - I was sad to miss them when we were in town.

The Cornelisons said...

I like their little "butt" picture while they're looking at the elephant. And Caroline is quite the big girl riding in the Barbie Jeep. Greyson will have to come equipped with his own power wheels the next time we come play.

Mimi said...

It is so fun to share in their fun. The photos from the Zoo are great, they look so cute in their matching outfits.
