Thursday, September 17, 2009

Alyssa Kate started ballet last week and if I may say so myself...she was adorable. She really enjoyed and has spent all week talking about it and asking when she could go back. She tried to do all of the movements they did and I have to admit that during one such routine tears did flow on my part because of how big she is. I don't know where all the time has gone but my baby is a little girl needs to slow down!

Big Jake has been hanging out with us a few days a week now that Ashley is back in the classroom and we are loving it! The girls think he is their personal playmate and get very excited when he comes over!

I came into the living room and found Alyssa Kate watching TV in big Jake's car doesn't look to comfy to me but they were very intrigued by it.

Caroline also thought Jake's car seat made a great seat to read in.

Caroline loves Tigger and Scooter and thankfully they are usually pretty patient with her. Here she is "snuggling" Tigger who looks thrilled!


The Cornelisons said...

I think she looks like she has a bit of an attitude in that 1st picture, already a prima ballernia!

Jennifer Jackson said...

Caroline can't be that big yet! Wow, how time has flown by with her! Glad to hear Alyssa Kate likes dancing...which Hannah would take interest!

amy said...

So the sentence where you said, "I don't know where all the time has gone but my baby is a little girl needs to slow down!" totally brought tears to my eyes. Sometimes you forget to enjoy each moment with them because it will fly by. Thanks for reminding me. :) Your girls are adorable!
