I have alwaya thought the biblical stories of Jesus time on earth were fascinating. I believe that He was truly Holy and God on earth, and that he was also 100% human at the same time. I know that Jesus selected His 12 disciples to further His kingdom and take His message to the people of the world especially after His death. I also believe they were his friends. God made humans very relational, intimate people. Since He was human he would have desired this closeness. All of this to say that I like the idea that God gave His son friends to help through a very difficult two years.
This week has been really rough and is one of those I wish I wouldn't have had to go through. During this time though there have been 3 people who are my closest friends and parts of my heart that have help carry me through. God provided them to me as a precious gift and I could not have made it in one piece without God and the three of them.
My husband is my strongest pillar. We have always said that we are example of Gods humor because we are both very Type A personalities, who are never wrong...just ask us :) But he is such a giving, loving man. During some of my lowest times he shines with support and love. He made me cupcakes one night this week because he knows that they are my favorite. It was his first cupcake baking experience and even though, as he put it, "they were the ugliest cupcakes ever", they were very yummy. He is an amazing father and provider. I would not be as good of a mother and person without him in my life.
My mother is the wind beneath my wings. She has always believed in me and all that I could do. We have always been a cross between Gilmore Girls and Terms of Endearment, with a little Beaches mixed in. :) While I might look like my daddy, it is mother that I am the most like. She has been my example of a great homemaker, mother and friend. She gives to everyone at the expense of herself. Her heart for those that suffer and are in need of help is an amazing example. It is funny to me that even at 30 years old my mommy holding me can make me feel so much better.
My best friend Alisa is the one who can show up with the perfect, unexpected item during a bad time. She has seen me at worst and still loves and supports me. She has always listened to my heart and helps me wade through some confusing times. She won't let me put myself down and will always have the perfect encouraging words or thought provoking questions. She makes any event fun and I can say one word and she knows exactly what funny experience I am referring to.
God had provided me with many wonderful people in my life but these three are pretty incredible.
February 27, 2025
23 hours ago